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Phoebe Journal

Guidelines for Fiction and Poetry

Editors invite submissions postmarked between August 15th and April 15th; manuscripts postmarked between April 16th and Aug. 14th will not be read.

*We are currently CLOSED to submissions*

Phoebe seeks to publish quality writing. Do not send formulaic writing, romance fiction, or greeting-card poetry. We do not consider previously published work. We encourage writers to read our Mission Statement and to order back issues to familiarize themselves with what we will publish.

We allow and encourage simultaneous submissions. However, we ask for no more than one poetry submission of 3-5 poems or one fiction submission of up to 7500 words at a time.

All submissions must be typed. Address submissions to Poetry or Fiction Editor. Enclose an SASE with sufficient postage for return of manuscript. Submissions without an SASE will not be returned. Keep a copy of your work, as Phoebe cannot be responsible for lost or damaged manuscripts.

Mail all writing submissions to:
Phoebe: A Journal of Literature and Art
George Mason University
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030-4444

Reporting time is four to six months, though usually sooner. Contributors receive two copies of the journal upon publication.
Guidelines for Visual Artists

You may either 1) mail a photo via snail-mail, 2) e-mail us the picture as an attachment, or 3) provide a link to a web page where your art is already available.

Digital versions are preferred; chosen pictures require a resolution of at least 300 dots per inch (dpi) for printing. However, please lower the resolution and use a JPEG format when e-mailing to ensure that the file is less than 1 MB. Photos will be returned on request (include SASE).

Art submissions are welcome at any time. E-mail art submissions to